process paper
Our entry is about how mentally ill patients were treated in the first insane asylums of America. At first we were interested in apperatices of torture. After some background research we narrowed our topic down to how patients were treated in insane asylums during the late 1700s and early 1800s in America. Asylums reated their patients very toturously, something we were interested in at first. A turning point arose when John Galt and Dorothea Dix began advocating for more humane treatment of these patients in the 1840s.
We found some research sources from our teachers, the internet, and from books. Our most valuable source was the internet because there are many websites that consist of the information that we needed. Also because the internet gives us a wide variety of information from multiple perspectives. Our ideas about our topic changed dramatically as we conducted our research. We found a great deal of background information on the people that had an effect on the insane asylums and how they changed and reformed how patients were treated. The problems we had to overcome were trying to find primary resources such as letters that had been sent because of the time period of our topic.
We selected our presentation category because we have had some experience in websites. We put our entry together like we did because we wanted to make the website seem old and also have our website fit our topic. We spent a lot of time debating the right kind of theme for our topic, trying to figure out where to put all of our information, and how many tabs we needed to present our topic.
Our topic is a good example of the NHD theme because it created an immense turning point on how patientes were treated in American insane asylums. Because of the actions of these two people, Dorothea Dix and Dr. John Galt, treatment became more humane. Dorothea Dix and John Galt reformed how patients in insane asylums were treated, starting in 1844. The actions of these two people generated political and public awareness on how mentally disabled people were treated, represented, and valued by their caretakers in asylums and prisons. Before Dorothea and John stepped in, patients were often neglected, beaten, painfully restrained for a long periods of time, and other wise abused.
We found some research sources from our teachers, the internet, and from books. Our most valuable source was the internet because there are many websites that consist of the information that we needed. Also because the internet gives us a wide variety of information from multiple perspectives. Our ideas about our topic changed dramatically as we conducted our research. We found a great deal of background information on the people that had an effect on the insane asylums and how they changed and reformed how patients were treated. The problems we had to overcome were trying to find primary resources such as letters that had been sent because of the time period of our topic.
We selected our presentation category because we have had some experience in websites. We put our entry together like we did because we wanted to make the website seem old and also have our website fit our topic. We spent a lot of time debating the right kind of theme for our topic, trying to figure out where to put all of our information, and how many tabs we needed to present our topic.
Our topic is a good example of the NHD theme because it created an immense turning point on how patientes were treated in American insane asylums. Because of the actions of these two people, Dorothea Dix and Dr. John Galt, treatment became more humane. Dorothea Dix and John Galt reformed how patients in insane asylums were treated, starting in 1844. The actions of these two people generated political and public awareness on how mentally disabled people were treated, represented, and valued by their caretakers in asylums and prisons. Before Dorothea and John stepped in, patients were often neglected, beaten, painfully restrained for a long periods of time, and other wise abused.